In the academic year 2024-25 I am teaching the following courses at TSE:
In the Winter semester:
The Long Run History of Trade (outline), M2 program for PPD and EEE, Tuesdays at 14h-15h30 and Thursdays at 9h30-11h in MH 202, beginning on 7th January 2025.
Economics of Religious Competition, PhD program, Mondays at 9h30-12h30 for five weeks in TSE Auditorium 6, beginning on 13th January 2025.
Module “The Economic Impact of Immigration”, in 2nd-year undergraduate program (in French), Fridays at 12h30-14h for four weeks, beginning on 24th January 2025.
In the Fall semester I taught:
Evolution of Economic Behavior (outline).
Understanding Real World Organizations (outline).
Causal Inference – jointly with Mateo Montenegro (outline).
Any enquiries about material for any of these courses should be directed to